Men come from Mars, women from Venus


I would like to suggest a somewhat unusual read, but with extremely interesting insights. MEN COME FROM MARS, WOMEN COME FROM VENUS by John Gray In this book, the author, a psychologist, therapist and marriage counsellor, clarifies once and for all the position, the way of acting, thinking and seeking solutions of both sexes in certain situations. The...

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Trust a MatchMaker

TRUST A MATCHMAKER Simona Muscari specialises in MatchMaking between top couples Luxury Italy

The process of finding a partner is fun and very exciting. The love of our life is in an unexpected place, but it will probably be in the places we frequent most. In reality, it is about having our eyes wide open and being willing to discover the opportunities that life offers us, but looking for a partner in inappropriate places is...

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Love and Science

LOVE AND SCIENCE Simona Muscari specialises in MatchMaking between top couples Luxury Italy

We've all experienced what it feels like to fall in love and most of us think it's purely emotional and sentimental, but it's not. According to an article published by the BCC in the journal 'Science: Human body and mind', science defines very precisely what happens to our bodies when we feel in love. That is, what are the physiological changes that occur in the...

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The alpha pair

The alpha pair Simona Muscari matchmaking

From the point of view of human ethology, whose objective is the study of animal behaviour in its interaction with the environment, and considering the human being as an animal being, Alpha is the individual in the community with the highest rank, to which the others follow. However, in our society, the Alpha male generally refers to a powerful man or in a...

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Why am I single? Difficulties in finding the right person

Self-esteem in relationships Simona Muscari specialises in MatchMaking between top couples Luxury Italy

This is the question all single people ask themselves: "Why am I still alone?" What is wrong with me? No one can give an exhaustive answer... and all sorts of reasons are generally cited: fate, personality, bad luck, physical appearance, etc. The more time passes, the more we convince ourselves that we are inadequate, unattractive,...

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The opposite of love

THE OPPOSITE OF LOVE Simona Muscari specialises in MatchMaking between top couples Luxury Italy

Hatred usually appears when another being, or circumstance, does not meet our expectations and/or when we play at being the Grand Inquisitor, allowing ourselves to judge others. But hate is not the opposite of love, it is only the expression of the ego and its insatiable thirst for pre-eminence. The opposite of love is fear. Love opens you up to the world; fear opens you up to the...

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